# 1177 Popular Breakfast & Lunch Restaurant
$ 614,900

This restaurant is well-located on the “going into town” side of a major traffic artery. Popular franchise menu with lots of healthy options for breakfast and lunch. The store is only 3 years old. To replace this store today would easily cost $900,000! It shows beautifully!

Sales: Gross sales: $1,094,637 to year end Oct. 31, 2023.
Sales for 2024 to be verified.
Size in sq. ft. 2,900 sq. ft.
No. of Seats: 100 with room for a patio with 15 – 20
Number of parking stalls: In parkade and on-street
Financing: Treat as clear title
Style of cuisine: Casual dining; breakfast and lunch menu
Customer Demographics: Wide range of ages; business people; visitors to Medical Center attached
Type of service: Table
Hours of operation:
6 am – 3 pm; 6 days a week. Sundays 7 am – 3 pm
Number of employees: 21 with mixed full and part time.
Rate per sq. ft. $38 per sq. ft.; gross monthly rent approx. $9,183 per month base rent.
$14,000 per month for rent, CAM and GST/
C.A.M. Included in above monthly amount
Lease Term: 10-year :ease Option periods: Two 5-year options
Deposit held by Lessor: To be verified