#1168 – Popular Restaurant in Trendy Area!
$ 299,000

This is a well-located casual dining restaurant at the epicenter of a popular, trendy neighborhood! It comes fully equipped with a bar featuring, cocktails and good food, a full kitchen, male & female washrooms. Has 50-seat patio. The concept can be kept or changed to anything a new owner wishes. Bring your energy and social networking experience to grow this business

Sales: Gross sales: $1.2M per year
Size in sq. ft. 2,100 sq. ft. plus patio
No. of Seats: 76 and 50 on patio
Number of parking stalls: 7 in the back in winter; First-come, first-served basis in back plus on-street
Financing: Treat as clear title
Style of cuisine: Casual dining; cocktails
Customer Demographics: Wide range of ages; business people; locals; tourists and shoppers in area
Type of service: Table
Hours of operation:
10 am – 10 pm on weekdays
10 am – 11:30 pm on Friday and Saturday
10 am – 9 pm on Sundays
Number of employees: 8 full-time and 8 part-time
Leasing information:
Rate per sq. ft. $38 per sq. ft. whichincludes rent, CAM and GST.
Lease Term: Goes to November 30, 2026 Option periods: To be verifies
Deposit held by Lessor: Nil