# 1167 Iconic Restaurant for Sale!
$ 320,000

PRICE REDUCED TO $320,000This is the first opportunity to buy this iconic restaurant in Calgary! The restaurant has been established for decades. The existing customer base and brand recognition bring strong added value. It’s located on one of the major traffic arteries in Calgary with a very high traffic count and tremendous visibility.
The restaurant concept could be changed to a new owner’s choice or keep the successful East Indian concept.
There’s a popular and well-equipped food truck available for purchase from the owner for $75,000.
This vehicle could extend your reach and expose your brand into different parts of the City and events.
The owner is willing to sell the land and building – please see A2170133 on MLS or Realtor.ca or #1165 on restaurants4sale.ca

Style of cuisine: East Indian concept; buffet and menu service
Customer Demographics: Wide range of ages; business people; lots of regulars
Type of service: Table and buffet
Hours of operation:
Monday – Friday 11:30 am – 2 pm for lunch buffet
Wednesday night buffet 5 pm – 8:30 pm
Evening service 4:30 pm – 9:30 pm; 7 days a week
Sales: Gross sales: 2023 – $696,245 (not including take-out); 2024 – $705,000 not including take-out
Size in sq. ft. 3,900 sq. ft.
No. of Seats: 99
Number of parking stalls: 5 dedicated stalls behind restaurant
20 stalls paid for by the restaurant; $630 per month (contract to Nov. 15, 2026)
Financing: Treat as clear title
Leasing information:
Rate per sq. ft. $35 per sq. ft. plus CAM
Lease Term: New 5 year Lease Option periods: One 5-year option
Deposit held by Lessor: 1 month (to be verified)